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Search Engine 101
Knowing the basic fundamentals and commands of modern search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., will benefit you in more ways than one. 1. It will improve the search results you get when trying to find things. 2. It will also, reduce the overall time you spend searching on the Internet for things.
Let’s start out with the bottom building blocks of searching successfully, learning how to word your search to come up with the best search results when using a search engine.
Exact Phrase Search (use Quotes)
If you know the specific type of web pages you want to browse you can key in the specific phrase, then and include quotation marks (“) around the phrase. This command, will return only the phrase that you placed in quotations, anywhere it is appears on a webpage.
Example: “Chicago Style Pizza”
These are the niche keyword or keyword phrases that are returned based on the term you entered. Micro Niche Finder will return up to two-hundred different phrases for every base term you enter.
Use synonyms (Similar Words)
If you don’t find what you are looking for on the first three pages then try synonyms or similar words to the main subjects.
Use Date or Numeric Ranges
Now say you want to look up something but you only want a certain era to appear. A rarely used but yet very simple command to use is typing the subject you want to look up then the date range with two periods between the numbers. This is allowing more than just the subjects stretching that entire length of time to show up in the search results.
Use Investment or Stock Ticker Symbols
Search engine such as Google, yahoo, and Bing also allow for quick log of stocks. Instead of bringing up a stock site or app all you have to do is type in the specific stock name abbreviation in the search bar. This will bring up the most current information of that stock.
Use Definitions of Words
The last basic command that works the same in all three search engines, is a command that allows you to quickly find the definition (meaning) of words. Instead of typing excessive scripts to figure out a definition all you have to do is type define: then the word you would like to define. Simple as that your definition will usually appear in the first few results on the first page of your search.
Using Phone Listings and Area Code Look-ups
Search engines are also great if you’re looking for someone’s information and all you have is a phone number. Say a random number calls your phone. You can key in the phone number in Google, yahoo, or Bing and it will tell you who the caller is.
Depending on if this is a land line or not, you may also receive the address of the sender. This also works for area codes. To find the origin of a specific area code simply type the three digits into any of the search engines and they will automatically bring you to the county and state in which the area code belongs to.
Using these simple commands will make anyone’s search engine efforts a little simpler. Give them a try and let me know what you think. Also, if you have others I did not cover, feel free to share them, by leaving a comment.
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