IT Certification News

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Links to various I/T certification news happenings. I/T certifications still remain one of the best ways to demonstrate to an employer or potential client that you know what you are doing. Of course nothing beats experience but when you have both your chances of landing that job or client improves greatly…

Are certifications less crucial for healthcare IT jobs? – Some certifications can be baseline requirements for healthcare organizations. The bureau projects that IT jobs in healthcare are expected to grow by 20% per year through 2018, “much faster than average.” There are currently 176,090 IT jobs in healthcare, according to the agency…[read more]

7 Things You Should Know About Microsoft Certifications Today – Microsoft is retooling its certification program, so there’s likely some questions from readers out there who are just getting into the certification game (and for you who are getting back into it after a testing hiatus, this could also be useful). With that, here’s a handful of facts you should know before you get wrapped up in Microsoft certification chaos…[read more]

IT Certifications: Are Apple or Windows Certs Best for IT Professionals? – Well-trained IT staff members are an important part of any tech department, but the battle lines between the Windows and Apple camps are clearly drawn, even on the average resume. When you’re faced with the choice, which will you pick – Mac or Windows certifications?…[read more]

New IT Training Offerings Reflect Changing Times – Advancements in social-media marketing and mobile technology are nothing new. Both have been on a steady upward progression for the last decade. Social media and mobility also have been making an impact on how business has been handled long before there were “social media specialists” and a need to have a version of your website solely for mobile users.

But only in recent years have social media and mobility begun to affect information technology (IT) in significant ways. Security is the most common issue these technological advancements bring up, as highlighted in CompTIA’s mobility study released in March. But there are other factors (both strategic and practical) which have made it necessary for organizations to not only take note of social media and mobility, but to invest in them…[read more]

Is the MDICD Mobile Developer Certification the new CCIE? – The Mobile Development Institute Certified Developer credential joins the ranks of the select few IT certifications that prove candidates have experience because they’re granted only through evaluation by experts instead of a written test.

Hiring managers and job-seeking mobile developers have a lot of faith in the MDICD (Mobile Development Institute Certified Developer) credential because of one reason – it can only be attained by people who really know what they’re doing…[read more]

Microsoft updates IT pro certifications for the cloud – Microsoft has revamped its IT professional certification scheme to make it more fitting for the cloud age. According to Microsoft, the changes were needed because the older qualifications were based on managing the kind of infrastructure that is increasingly being abstracted into the cloud…[read more]

Related Reading:

Entry Level PC Certifications

CompTIA A+ Certification

CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate

MCTS – Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

CompTIA Network+ Certification

Security+ Certification

Computer Certifications (

Top 10 IT Certifications

How Do I Become a Certified Computer Technician?

How to Become a Computer Technician – Training, Experience, and Certification

Change Careers With Computer Certifications

Getting Computer Certifications

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